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Tree of Light: Courses for Nature's Sunshine Products

Natural Health Consultant (Retired)

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This Program has Been Retired

If you are interested in completing a certification program please check out the Certified Herbal Consultant program.

This program is designed to provide instruction in specific areas of natural health consulting which add to the concepts presented in the core curriculum of the CHC program. This certification is earned by completing any five of the following courses.


Bullet Activating the Healing Response by Steven Horne Buy Activating the Healing Response

Course Description: The nervous and glandular systems are the control systems of the body. They help regulate all the other processes of the body through three types chemical messengers endocrine hormones, paracrine hormones (which include neurotransmitters) and autocrine hormones. This course discusses how these chemical messengers work and how to balance them using herbs, nutrition and other natural means.

About the Instructor: Steven Horne is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild and a former president of that organization. He is also on the board of directors of and is treasurer for the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA). Founder and president of Tree of Light, Steven has authored many books and courses, and has lectured on herbs and nutrition across north American and in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and the United Kingdom.

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Bullet The Secrets of Chinese Herbs by Steven Horne & Karta Purkh Singh Kalsa Buy Solving the Mystery of Autoimmune Disease

Course Description: Discover the 2,500 year-old healing secrets of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in this new NHC course, Co-authored by Steven Horne and Karta Purkh Singh Kalsa, this course introduces NSP’s Chinese herbs and herbal formulas. It covers concepts such as the eight principles of Chinese medicine, the three Chinese humors (blood, chi, and fluid), the Chinese five phases, yin and yang, pernicious influences and Chinese methods of herbal treatment. Specific emphasis is placed on using Chinese methods of health assessment to become a better herbalist. These TCM healing principles are just as effective today as they were centuries ago.

About the Instructors: Steven Horne is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild and a former president of that organization. He is also on the board of directors of and is treasurer for the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA). Founder and president of Tree of Light, Steven has authored many books and courses, and has lectured on herbs and nutrition across north American and in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and the United Kingdom.

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Retired NHC Courses

Bullet The Blood Type Approach to Herbal Consulting by Kimberly Balas, N.D.

Course Description: In addition to providing practical information about nutritional consulting with each of the four blood types, this course also provides basic information about setting up and promoting a natural health and herbal consulting business. Topics covered include setting up your business, developing clients, record keeping, legal considerations, basic principles of natural health, and creative ways to use herbs.

About the Instructor: Kimberly Balas holds an N.D. and a Ph.D. in nutrition from Clayton College. She is a board-certified naturopath and a member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association. She is on the board of directors of the International Iridology Practitioner’s Association (IIPA). A regular contributor to Nature’s Field, she has also developed a course in Natural Applications of Blood Chemistry and is able to integrate sound principles of science and biochemistry with natural medicine in a thought-provoking and useful manner.

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Bullet Love Your Body Beautiful by Steven Horne & Deanna Hansen.

Course Description:

  • Would you like to learn how to flatten your stomach without exercising or going on a diet?
  • Would you like to know how to give yourself a face lift and take 5-10 years off your appearance?
  • Would you like to know how to gently reshape your body so that you feel more comfortable and happy with your physical appearance?
  • Have you struggled to lose weight from certain parts of your body, but have been unable to succeed?

If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” then take this unique class and learn how to love your body to greater health and beauty.

Team taught by Steven Horne, professional herbalist and natural health instructor, and Deanna Hansen, certified athletic therapist, this class will teach you the Dhyanna Technique, a method Deanna developed for resculpturing your body. You’ll also learn keys about nutrition and detoxification for health and weight loss, and receive tools to help you shift your attitude about your body. You'll also learn about nutrition and detoxification for health and weight loss, and receive tools to help you shift your attitude about your body, learning to loe it and feel comfortable with it.

Bullet Living Longer and Loving It: How to Prevent, Stop, and Reverse the Aging Process by Alex Duarte, O.D., Ph.D.

Course Description: This course discusses theories of why we age and the symptoms that accompany aging. It presents information on how various nutrients and hormones (including deer antler velvet/IGF-1) may help stop or reverse the aging process. The course also prevents information on women’s health issues such as PMS, menopause, and breast cancer. Strategies are also presented for reversing osteoporosis and arthritis, as well as natural remedies for sexual enhancement, depression and cardiovascular disease.

About the Instructor: Dr. Alex Duarte is a nationally recognized lecturer, author, and radio/TV personality who has produced 15 groundbreaking books on nutrition and health topics. He holds a doctorate degree in nutrition and is a fellow of the International Academy of Medical Preventives. He is a doctor of Optometry.

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Bullet Mastering Modern Herbal Medicine by Lamar Wiscombe, M.H.

Course Description: Although a knowledge of plant chemistry isn’t essential to knowing how to use herbs, it is very valuable for understanding why herbs work, how they affect the body, and being able to explain their actions to other people. This course helps a person understand basic plant chemistry, herbal energetics, plant preparations, and properties of medicinal plants in an interesting and fun manner. It also helps the student learn how to understand herbal research and legal issues.

About the Instructor: LaMar Wiscombe is a graduate of the Utah College of Massage Therapy and holds an Herbalist degree from Dominion College. He has been Manager of Education at Nature’s Sunshine Products, and Senior Education and Training Specialist at Nature’s Way. He has lectured on herbs and natural health products throughout the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, and has been a frequent guest on radio programs and health shows.

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Bullet Metabolic Typing: Discovering the Seven Metabolic Types for a Customized Nutritional Program by Kimberly Balas

Course Description: No single nutritional program will work for everyone because each individual is biochemically unique. Metabolic typing helps identify whether a person is a sympathetic or parasympathetic metabolizer to determine the nutritional program that will be best for their unique needs. This practical course explains how to develop a nutritional program for each client using blood chemistry and provides extensive instruction on the benefits of enzymes.

About the Instructor: Kimberly Balas holds an N.D. and a Ph.D. in nutrition from Clayton College. She is a board-certified naturopath and a member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association. She is on the board of directors of the International Iridology Practitioner’s Association (IIPA). A regular contributor to Nature’s Field, she has also developed a course in Natural Applications of Blood Chemistry and is able to integrate sound principles of science and biochemistry with natural medicine in a thought-provoking and useful manner.

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Bullet Solving the Mystery of Autoimmune Disease by Michael Corrigan

Course Description: This course addresses the rapidly growing problem of autoimmune diseases. It provides an overview of immune function and the role of intestinal flora (probiotics) and essential fatty acids in health. The use and benefits of adaptagens are also covered. The course concludes with a list of 16 autoimmune diseases with supplements and other natural therapies that may be of benefit in these conditions.

About the Instructor: Michael Corrigan is an herbalist and natural products educator with 25 years of experience in traditional western herbalism and modern phytotherapy. He has studied and traveled with Dr. John R. Christopher and has also completed studies with Dominion Herbal College and Wild Rose College.

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Bullet Syndrome X: The Dysmetabolic Syndrome by Hugo Rodier, M.D.

Course Description: Research is demonstrating that the ever-growing problems of obesity and diabetes, as well as circulatory and immune problems are linked to a metabolic imbalance being dubbed syndrome X. Dr. Rodier explains how hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance are contributing to a variety of health problems and presents treatment protocols that have valid scientific evidence behind them. He also presents case studies showing how these supplements and therapies have helped in real life situations.

About the Instructor: Dr. Hugo Rodier, M.D. is a recognized authority in nutritional and integrative medicine and psycho-neuro immunology. Dr. Rodier has done extensive research in standard medical journals to document the benefits of natural therapies. He is a member of the editorial board of the Utah Medical Association and is chairman of the Utah Medical Association’s Environmental Committee. He teaches integrative medicine and the University of Utah Medical School.

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Bullet Prescription Drugs and NaturalAlternatives by Clell Fowles

Course Description: This course begins with a history of western medicine and the role of the FDA in regulating modern medicine. The course goes through each system of the body discussing some common health problems associated with that system and the drugs used to treat them. Common side effects are noted for each class of drugs, as well as viable natural alternatives.

About the Instructor: Clell Fowels is a registered pharmacist who graduated with an emphasis in Medical Chemistry. In his 13 years as a practicing pharmacist, he concentrated on studying nutritional supplements and conducting clinical and research. He is a strong advocate for the use of herbs and supplements as viable alternatives to prescription drugs. He has also formulated nutritional supplements such as SugarReg and Blood Pressurex.

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Bullet Natural Remedies for Common Ailments by Hugo Rodier, M.D.

Course Description: Modern scientific research is documenting the validity of many natural remedies and healing modalities. This course presents scientific documentation of natural therapies for common health problems such as: gastrointestinal problems, arthritis, asthma, allergies, cardiovascular problems, neurodegenerative diseases, depression and anxiety, cancer, fatigue and gynecological problems.

About the Instructor: Dr. Hugo Rodier, M.D. is a recognized authority in nutritional and integrative medicine and psycho-neuro immunology. Dr. Rodier has done extensive research in standard medical journals to document the benefits of natural therapies. He is a member of the editorial board of the Utah Medical Association and is chairman of the Utah Medical Association’s Environmental Committee. He teaches integrative medicine and the University of Utah Medical School.

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