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Tree of Light: Courses for Nature's Sunshine Products

Certified Herbal Consultant (CHC)

The Certified Herbal Consultant Program Specific Certified Herbal Consultant Courses Schedule of Live Classes and Events

The Certified Herbalist Consultant program is the core of all our educational materials. Tree of Light has created unique models that teach people how to use herbs, supplements and other natural healing modalities in a systematic manner to obtain consistent and dependable results. The CHC program presents all of the core concepts and techniques associated with this system in a practical form that is easy to understand and apply.

The requirements for this program are to complete all eight CHC courses. The courses in the CHC program follow a logical and consistent sequence, each course building on a base of knowledge laid down in the previous courses. Although you are free to take these courses in any order, we recommend they be taken in the order suggested below.

The eight courses for the Certified Herbal Consultant program are as follows:

  1. The Fundamentals of Natural Healing
  2. The ABC+D Approach to Natural Health Consulting
  3. Practical Iridology: Iridology for Herbal and Natural Health Consulting
  4. Practical Tools for Health Assessment
  5. Nature's Pharmacy
  6. Herbal Preparations and Applications
  7. Activating the Healing Response
  8. Secrets of Chinese Herbs

Core Certified Health Consultant Courses

1. The Fundamentals of Natural Healing

Primary Healthcare Takes Place in the Home

The Fundamentals of Natural Healing course lays the foundation for the rest of the CHC courses and provides instruction in basic home health care for injuries and common ailments. It is currently available for purchase as a correspondence course and is also available through certified instructors throughout the country.

This powerful course explains how to relieve pain and reverse injury in minutes, help the body recover from acute ailments in as little as a few hours, and how to initiate the reversal process in chronic and degenerative diseases through changes in diet and lifestyle.

Techniques Steven has used to relieve headaches, earaches and sore throats in as little as 20 minutes.
How to quickly relieve the pain of sunburn, bee stings, insect bites, bumps, bruises, abrasions and more in 5-20 minutes.
It teaches you how to fix a sprained ankle and walk on it in as little as 15-20 minutes.
It covers cleansing techniques, diet and nutrition, and basic lifestyle changes to help prevent and reverse chronic and degenerative diseases.

Course materials include a 135 page workbook, two 90 minute videos (The Cold Is the Cure and Pain Relief without Medication), a student study guide, and a certificate of completion upon submission of completed homework.

2. The ABC+D Approach to Natural Health Consulting

Expanding upon the ABC principles taught in The Fundamentals of Natural Healing, it shows how to apply them to nutritional consulting and introduces the +D (or direct aid) step to the ABC system. Updated with the latest edition of our ABC+D Charts this course teaches you how to design an appropriate supplement program for customers and clients.

Available as a correspondence course, this program is part of our Certified Herbal Consultant program.

It teaches the ABC+D system for selecting the most effective NSP products for your customers. Course includes eleven detailed Differential Health Analysis charts and a special Body Systems Questionnaire to give you a simple way to train your Distributors to become Managers in less time than ever! Includes 164 page manual, course syllabus and two videos featuring Steven Horne and Kimberly Balas.

What do the eyes reveal?

Bullet 3. Practical Iridology

Iridology for Herbal and Natural Health Consulting

It has been said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, but iridology, the study of analyzing the eyes, suggests the eyes primarily tell us about our constitution-—our inherent genetic strengths and weaknesses. In other words, the iris tells us what nature gave us to work with.

The various patterns, signs and markings in the eye reveal inherent strengths and weakness in the different glands, organs and tissues of the body. This tells us where our body’s are most likely to break down when subjected to stress, nutritional deficiency or a toxic environment. This can not only provide clues about how to help the body heal from disease, it can also help us develop a lifestyle that prevents disease from ever gaining a foothold.

Personality traits are linked into the genetic make-up of our constitution as well, and the iris also tells us about these traits. The iris reveals our dominant learning mode (auditory, visual or kinestheic) and our primary way of process information. It also tells us whether we are predominant introverted or extroverted, how much stress we can handle (physically or emotionally) and about some of our genetic talents (and hangups).

In these videos you’ll discover these and other treasures the eye reveals, while learning to read the iris in an easy and systematic manner. Plus, you’ll gain practical understanding in how to use the iris to help you select appropriate supplements, diet and lifestyle changes based on what you see.

Practical Iridology by Steven Horne includes:

  • The 84 page manual Practical Iridology with color iris photos.
  • 4 DVDs
  • Certification upon completion of the course

Bullet 4. Practical Tools for Health Assessment

Learn a variety of methods of assessing the body to discover which body systems need nutritional support and how to correct the underlying imbalances in the body's biological terrain. The course covers muscle testing, basic tongue and pulse analysis, glandular body typing, physical observation, pH testing and using case history.

Bullet 5. Nature's Pharmacy

This innovative course covers basic herbal therapeutic actions, properties and historical uses of more than 50 common herbs. The central focus of this class is a unique approach involving the energetics of plants through taste, smell, texture and color. Students actually practice tasting plants to learn firsthand how different categories of herbs affect the body. Nine basic categories of herbs are discussed using the an energetic model, with examples of medicinal plants in each of the categories. It will be replaced later this year by a new course called Traditional Herbalism. Those who order the current Basic Herbalism Course will be able to purchase the upgraded Traditional Herbalism course at a discount.

Available as a correspondence course, this program is part of our Certified Herbal Consultant program.

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Bullet 6. Herbal Preparations and Applications

    • How do you convert that capsulated formula into a tea or glycerite so a small child can take it?
    • How do you get herbs into someone who is having a difficult time swallowing?
    • What’s the difference between an alcohol tincture, a standardized extract and a glycerite?

    These are the kinds of questions answered by Herbal Preparations and Applications.

    Understanding the difference between the various herbal preparations (capsules, tablets, tinctures, oils, etc.) and the advantages and disadvantages of each is one of the factors that distinguishes a skilled herbalist from a beginner. Knowing creative ways to get the herbs where they are needed (poultices, baths, gargles, eyewashes, linaments, enemas, douches, etc.) is another. This knowledge provides an herbalist with flexibilty and options to meet every need.

    In these videos, professional herbalist Steven Horne takes you into the kitchen where he “cooks up” a variety of herbal recipes. You’ll learn about how herbs work in combination, how formulas are designed, how to understand different potencies in tictures (1:1, 2:1, etc.) and much more. If you are a “do-it-yourself” kind of person, you’ll find his easy-to-follow information will have you “cooking up” your own herbal “brews” in no time. Even if you’re not a “do-it-yourselfer,” and rely primary on commercial herb products, the information contained in these videos will help you become a better herbalist by learning how to use your products more effectively.

    There are many ways that herbs can be prepared and administered in addition to taking them in capsules. This course teaches the various application methods and instructions for preparation of plant medicines both internally and externally, including making infusions, decoctions, tinctures, glycerites, syrups, boluses, and more. It also covers the many ways to administer herbs, including enemas, baths, poultices, compresses, fomentations, and so forth. It explains how different preparations can alter, diminish or enhance an herb’s particular energetics. Learn all the different ways to prepare and use your herbal remedies.

Bullet Activating the Healing Response by Steven Horne


Course Description: The nervous and glandular systems are the control systems of the body. They help regulate all the other processes of the body through three types chemical messengers endocrine hormones, paracrine hormones (which include neurotransmitters) and autocrine hormones. This course discusses how these chemical messengers work and how to balance them using herbs, nutrition and other natural means.

About the Instructor: Steven Horne is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild and a former president of that organization. He is also on the board of directors of and is treasurer for the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA). Founder and president of Tree of Light, Steven has authored many books and courses, and has lectured on herbs and nutrition across north American and in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and the United Kingdom.

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Bullet The Secrets of Chinese Herbs by Steven Horne & Karta Purkh Singh Kalsa


Course Description: Discover the 2,500 year-old healing secrets of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in this new NHC course, Co-authored by Steven Horne and Karta Purkh Singh Kalsa, this course introduces NSP’s Chinese herbs and herbal formulas. It covers concepts such as the eight principles of Chinese medicine, the three Chinese humors (blood, chi, and fluid), the Chinese five phases, yin and yang, pernicious influences and Chinese methods of herbal treatment. Specific emphasis is placed on using Chinese methods of health assessment to become a better herbalist. These TCM healing principles are just as effective today as they were centuries ago.

About the Instructors: Steven Horne is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild and a former president of that organization. He is also on the board of directors of and is treasurer for the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA). Founder and president of Tree of Light, Steven has authored many books and courses, and has lectured on herbs and nutrition across north American and in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and the United Kingdom.

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