| Certification Programs & Classes We offer a variety of courses to learn about herbalism and natural healing. |
 | Books Steven Horne is the author of many books on natural healing, which are listed here, including The ABC Herbal, Modern Herbal Dispensatory, Modern Herbal Medicine and Healing with Chinese Herbs. |
 | Charts and Questionnaires Our charts and questionnaires help with herbal and nutritional consulting. They include our ABC+D charts, pH Blood Type and Nutrition carts, and our emotional healing charts. Our Chinese Constitutional Questionnaires can also be found here. |
 | Sunshine Sharing Sunshine Sharing, is professionally researched, written in a style that is interesting, informative and easy-to-read, then professionally formated and printed. Over 200 NSP Managers have been purchasing and using Sunshine Sharing newsletters for the past 20 years. Many report it is one of their best business-building tools. |