Parenting is a Delightful Job
It Takes Courage to Succeed
Additional Resources
In addition to the materials available through Tree of Light, the following vendors also offer NSP friendly educational materials.
Sound Concepts produces the Untold Truth programs for NSP Managers and Distributors. Steven is featured on the CDs talking about specific products. They also publish newspapers promoting NSP and The Lifestyle Analysis.
Phone: 888-225-6601
Herb Allure carries the Hart Manual is one of the best NSP product references, available both printed and on CD. They also carry other books and NSP-friendly educational tools and sales tools.
Phone: 800-358-4278
The Jensens have recorded NSP conventions and other events for 20 years. They have thousands of audio tapes for NSP Managers and Distributors, including a number of programs by Steven Horne. Karen Jensen has also produced some books and materials on her own.
Phone: 800-811-1132
Located in Canada, Cobblestone Health is run by Judith Cobb, a long time friend and associate. She has written many articles for Natures Field, which can be found on our archive CD. Judith has produced both videos and books on NSP products.
Phone: 403-287-2991
Offers Recipes for Success, a guide to using NSP products for various health problems on recipe cards or CD. Also offers other business support materials, including business software.
Phone: 877-877-6783
An Introductory Seminar to Emotional Healing
Healing isnt just about improving your diet, taking some supplements or being physically free of symptoms. To be really healthy means you not only feel physically good, you also feel good emotionallyyou have inner peace, find joy in life and experience an overall feeling of well-being that encompasses body, mind and heart
Paw Paw Handouts
We are excited about the benefits of NSP's new products containing paw paw extract. The acetogenins from the paw paw plant inhibit ATP production in cancer cells, depriving them of the energy they need to sustain their rapid metabolism. This encourages cancer cells to self-destruct. Research and clinical trials demonstrate that this product is extremedly safe and effective. It also has antimicrobial, antiparastic and insecticidal properties. In addition to the handouts listed below we also have an Herbal Hour video and an audio cassette on paw paw.
Electronic Product Guides
These guides, originally published 1995-1998, contain many useful suggestions for Nature's Sunshine Products. More up-to-date information is found in our ABC+D Approach to Natural Healing course.
A Forum for NSP Managers and Distributors
Tree of Light has been a supporter of the NSP Forum and is extremely disappointed to see it go. As providers of educational material for NSP we feel it our duty to continue in their footseps. That is why we have started NSPadvisor, a place for Managers & Distrubutors to discuss personal and clinical questions and share product information and testimonials.
Product Order Forms
The following are order forms meant to accompany, the Sunshine Sharing, "Are You Iodine Deficient.