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The Certified Herbal Consultant Program Specific Certified Herbal Consultant Courses Schedule of Live Classes and Events

An Introduction to Field Botany

Date: May 09, 2016 Time: 6 PM
Cost: $197 $147
Instructor: Steven H Horne

An Introduction to Field Botany

Many years ago, while hiking in the mountains of Utah I ran into a family with a little girl who had been stung by a bee above her left eye. The eye was nearly swollen shut and we were about a mile and half away from the trail head. I told the parents I was an herbalist and offered to help, which they allowed. I was able to pick one of the plants growing nearby and make a quick fresh-plant poultice which took the swelling down very rapidly.

I don�t remember what plant I used, but I�ve done this with several different plants on various occasions. It�s a wonderful feeling to know that you are surrounded by numerous plants that can be used to treat various health problems in an emergency situation where medical help is not readily available.

While I don�t have time to harvest all my own herbs and make all my own herbal preparations, it�s comforting to know that if I had to, I could. In fact, it was studying outdoor survival and emergency preparedness that initially lead me into herbs.

Which is why I�m going to offer an updated version of a class we offered several years ago, An Introduction to Field Botany. I want other people to have the security of knowing how to find local plants they can use as medicine, too.

Even if you primarily use commercial herbal products in helping others, like I do, there are two reasons why you should consider this class.

First, you acquire a deeper appreciation for and understanding of herbal medicine when you come to know herbs as living plants, not just names on a bottle. You develop a greater intuitive feel for when it�s appropriate to use them and why they work.

Second, think of how good it will feel knowing that you can never be shut off from your supply of herbal medicines. If health care costs continue to rise or there is any kind of emergency situation where help is not readily available, think of how wonderful it will be to know what herbs you can collect from your local area to help yourselves and others.

In the eight lessons in this course, you�ll learn skills of basic plant identification and how to recognize and use numerous plants in all the major botanical families. You�ll not only receive about 90-120 minutes of webinar instruction in each class, you�ll also have access to online quizzes and learning activities to help you master the material. Plus, I�ll keep adding new materials and resources to the course, which you can access as they become available.

Here are the topics we�ll cover in these eight lessons (including a list of herbs we will discuss):

Lesson One: Introduction to Field Botany

Basic plant identification. Plant parts, flower structures, and types of leaves, inflorescences, fruits, stems and roots.

Lesson Two: Rose and Aster Families

Rose Family: Roses, Peach, Raspberry, Blackberry, Hawthorn, Lady�s Mantle, Meadowsweet and Agrimony. Sunflower Family: Thistles, Dandelion, Wild Lettuce, Sow Thistle, Elecampane, Echinacea, Arnica, Chicory, Chamomile, Fleabane, Coltsfoot, Grindelia, Yarrow, Wormwood, Ragweed, Goldenrod

Lesson Three: Pea, Mint and Mallow Families

Pea Family: Mimosa, Senna, Baptista, Scotch Broom, Astragalus, Licorice, Alfalfa, Yellow Sweet Clover, Red Clover and Beans. Mint Family: Hyssop, Ground Ivy, Motherwort, Bugleweed, Horehound, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Peppermint, Spearmint, Basil, Mondarda, Catnip, Self-Heal, Rosemary, Sage, Scullcap and Wood Betony. Mallow Family: Marshmallow, Hibiscus and Cotton.

Lesson Four: Carrot, Mustard and Evening Primrose Families

Carrot Family: Angelica, Caraway, Carrot, Osha, Lomatium, Anise, Celery, Coriander (Cilantro), Dill, Fennel, Parsley and Gotu Kola. Mustard Family: Cruciferous Vegetables, Shepherd�s Purse, Istatis, Radish, Horseradish and Watercress. Evening Primrose: Fireweed and Evening Primrose.

Lesson Five: Nightshade, Gourd, Honeysuckle, Heath and Borage Families

Nightshades: Capsicum, Tobacco, Lycium, Jimsom Weed and Henbane. Gourd Family: Pumpkin, Watermellon, Bitter Melon. Honeysuckle Family: Elderberry, Cramp Bark, Black Haw. Heath Family: Uva Ursi, Manzanita, Blueberry, Cranberry. Borage Family: Borage, Comfrey.

Lesson Six: Figwort, Poppy, Violet, Milkweed, Buckwheat, Iris and Other Families

Figwort Family: Toadflax, Mimulus, Pensemon, Figwort, Foxglove, Eyebright, Lousewort and Mullein. Poppy Family: Prickly Poppy, California Poppy, Bloodroot. Violet Family: Heartsease, Centaury, Gentian. Milkweed Family: Pleurisy Root. Buckwheat Family: Turkey Rhubarb, Yellow Dock, Sheep Sorrel. Iris Family: Blue Flag. Plus other miscellaneous plants: Purslane, Cleavers, Squaw Vine, Stinging Nettle and Lady�s Slipper.

Lesson Seven: Lily, Grass, Goosefoot, Geranium, Buttercup, Stonecrop and Caltrop Families

Lily Family: Garlic, Onion, Day Lily, Asparagus, Lily of the Valley, Solomon�s Seal and Sarsaparilla. Grass Family: Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley. Goosefoot Family: Lambs quarters, Quinoa, Spinach, Beets. Geranium Family: Storkbill, Wild Geranium. Buttercup Family: Black Cohosh, Coptis, Goldenseal, Clematis, Peony. Stonecrop Family: Rhodiola. Caltrop Family: Chapparal, Rue, Tribulus. Plus other miscellaneous plants: Flax, Caster Bean, Ephedra, Plantain, St. John�s Wort, Horsetail, Cattail and Prickly Pear

Lesson Eight: Trees and Shrubs

Pine Family: Pine, Fir, Spruce, Larch, Hemlock. Cedar Family: Juniper, Thuja. Beech Family: Beech, Oak. Willow Family: Willow, Poplar, Aspen. Birch Family: Alder, Birch. Walnut Family: Walnut, Butternut. Buckthorn Family: Red Root, Cascara Sagrada. Sumac Family: Poison Ivy, Sumac. Olive Family: Ash, Olive, Lilac, Fringetree. Other Trees and Shrubs: Magnolia, Witch Hazel, Sweet Gum, Periwinkle, Horsechestnut, Maple, Linden, Currents, Elm, Ginkgo, Sassafrass, Grapes, Mulberry

The webinars for this class will be held on: May 9, 23; June 6, 27; July 11, 25; Aug 8, 29 at 8:00 ET, 7:00 CT, 6:00 MT and 5:00 PT. You do not have to attend the live webinars to participate in the class as all class recordings will be posted in the online learning center along with handouts, quizzes and other materials to help you learn how to identify and use local plants.

Cost for this class is just $147 if you pre-register by May 2, thereafter it will be $197. The class is also free if you sign up for the Family Herbalist Certification between now and May 2.

There are no openings left available in this class.

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